Week 13 DevLog_KU

Week 13 kickstarted the animation process; fully completing each and every vital animation needed for our project, and exporting them accordingly. All animations were completed inside Blender, as it would work best with the .BLEND files submitted by our team's 3D modeler and rigging artist, and were adjusted carefully to ensure the movements both resembled that of retro 90s games from the Nintendo 64 era, and functioned properly within our project itself. Within the restrictive, allotted time remaining to due so, I worked carefully yet quickly to complete, render out, and export these animations: taking extra precautions to not distort and or "break" the mesh while utilizing the rig while under the crunch of a strict deadline. With those thoughts in mind, I worked diligently to provide work within that time frame, despite earlier delays, unforeseen difficulties and setbacks with the animations using a foreign animation software, and other aspects out of my hands (i.e. overall project deadline). Once all required animations were all completed, they were immediately exported into .FBX files accordingly, to be implemented correctly into our UE5 file to utilize for our characters, and sent to the group via our Perforce server.

I was also in frequent contact with the sound design students attached to our project on several matters including access to relevant documents, concept art, and other materials to assist them with the design, as well as further providing details for the environment, atmosphere, and characters.

Task NameHours To Complete
Babau Animations2.5 HRS
Gatto Mammone Animations2 HRS
Shadow Creatures Animations4.5 HRS
Conversing with Sound Design Contact (Via Email).5 HRS

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